Showing posts with label catholic prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catholic prayer. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

09c. Angelus Domini

Indonesia | English | Latin

Ángelus Dómini nuntiávit Maríæ.
Et concépit de Spíritu Sancto.

Ave, María...

Ecce ancílla Dómini.
Fiat mihi secúndum verbum tuum.

Ave, María...

Et Verbum caro factum est.
Et habitávit in nobis.

Ave, María...

Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei génetrix.
Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi.


Grátiam tuam, quæsumus,
Dómine, méntibus nostris infúnde;
ut qui, Ángelo nuntiánte,
Christi Fílii tui incarnatiónem cognóvimus,
per passiónem eius et crucem,
ad resurrectiónis glóriam perducámur.
Per eúndem Christum Dóminum nostrum.


Monday, October 20, 2008

09b. Angelus

Indonesia | English | Latin

The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary:
And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus;
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

Behold the handmaid of the Lord:
Be it done unto me according to Thy word.

Hail Mary . . .

And the Word was made Flesh:
And dwelt among us.

Hail Mary . . .

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:

Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
Thy grace into our hearts;
that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ,
Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel,
may by His Passion and Cross be brought
to the glory of His Resurrection,
through the same Christ Our Lord.

The Annunciation of Gabriel to the Virgin Mary

The Angelus is recited at three particular times during the day; 6 am, 12 noon, and 6 pm. Traditionally it is recited kneeling while a bell is rung. During the Easter Season, the Angelus is replaced by the Regina Caeli, a practice first instituted in 1743.

The origins of the Angelus undoubtedly lie with an 11th century custom of reciting three Hail Mary's during the evening bell. Pope Gregory IX (d 1241) ordered a bell to be rung in the evening to remind people to pray for the Crusades. In 1269 St. Bonaventure urged the faithful to adopt the custom of the Franciscans of saying three Hail Mary's as the evening bell was rung.

Pope John XXII indulgenced this practice in 1318 and then again in 1327. The custom of reciting it in the morning apparently grew from the monastic custom of saying three Hail Mary's while a bell rang at Prime. The noon time custom apparently arose from the noon time commemoration of the Passion on Fridays. Pope Callistus III (1455-1458) commended the practice as a prayer for protection against the Turkish invasions of his time. By the sixteenth century the form of the prayer was standardized and it has been highly popular since the 17th century. Popes such as Benedict XIV, Leo XIII, Pius XI, and Pius XII have recommended it.

More recently, Pope Paul VI wrote about it in Marialis Cultus and Pope John Paul II holds a weekly noon time Angelus address at St. Peter's Square. A partial indulgence is granted to those who devoutly recite it according to the time of the year.

Per annum, Outside the Pascal Season.


09a. Malaikat Tuhan

Indonesia | English | Latin

Doa ini diucapkan berturut-turut pada jam 06.00 pagi, 12.00 siang, dan 18.00 sore.

Maria diberi kabar oleh Malaikat Tuhan,
bahwa dia akan mengandung dari Roh Kudus.

Salam Maria, penuh rahmat.
Tuhan serta-Mu.
Terpujilah engkau di antara wanita,
dan terpujilah buah tubuh-Mu, Jesus;
Santa Maria, bunda Allah,
doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini
sekarang dan waktu kami mati.

Aku ini hamba Tuhan,
terjadilah padaku menurut perkataanmu.

Salam Maria.....

Sabda sudah menjadi daging,
dan tinggal di antara kita.

Salam Maria.....

Doakanlah kami, ya Santa Bunda Allah.
supaya kami dapat menikmati janji Kristus.

Marilah berdoa:

Ya Allah, karena kabar malaikat, kami mengetahui
bahwa Yesus Kristus Putra-Mu menjadi manusia;
curahkanlah rahmat-Mu ke dalam hati kami,
supaya karena sengsara dan salib-Nya,
kami dibawa kepada kebangkitan yang mulia.
Sebab dialah Tuhan, pengantara kami.

Malaikat Gabriel memberikan kabar gembira kepada Perawan Maria.

Doa Malaikat Tuhan diucapkan pada tiga waktu khusus dalam sehari; yaitu jam 6 pagi, 12 siang, dan 6 sore. Secara tradisional ini diucapkan sambil berlutut ketika lonceng berbunyi. Pada Masa Paskah, doa Malaikat Tuhan di diganti dengan doa Ratu Surga, sebuah praktek yang mula-mula dilembagakan di tahun 1743.

Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa sumber dari doa Malaikat Tuhan ini berasal dari abad ke 11, biasa diucapkan setelah tiga Salam Maria selama lonceng berbunyi di sore hari. Paus Gregorius IX (wafat 1241) memerintahkan agar lonceng dibunyikan di sore hari untuk mengingatkan orang-orang agar mendoakan para tentara dalam perang salib. Pada tahun 1269 St. Bonaventura mendesak orang-orang beriman untuk mengadopsi kebiasaan para Fransiskan mengucapkan tiga Salam Maria ketika lonceng sore berbunyi. Paus Yohanes XXII memberikan indulgensi untuk praktek ini di tahun 1318 dan kemudian lagi di tahun 1327.

Kebiasaan mengucapkan doa ini di pagi hari jelas berasal dari kebiasaan dalam biara yang mengucapkan tiga Salam Maria ketika lonceng berbunyi di saat Utama. Kebiasaan sore nampaknya muncul dari kebiasaan sore hari untuk mengenang penderitaan Yesus di setiap hari Jumat. Paus Callistus III (1455-1458) menghargai praktek ini sebagai sebuah doa untuk perlindungan terhadap invasi Turki saat itu.

Pada abad ke 16 bentuk doa ini di buat standar dan menjadi sangat populer sejak abad ke 17. Para Paus seperti Benediktus XIV, Leo XIII, Pius XI, dan Pius XII telah merekomendasikannya. Kemudian lama setelah itu Paus Paulus VI menulis tentang hal ini dalam Marialis Cultus dan Paus Johanes Paulus II menyediakan waktu sore seminggu sekali untuk memberikan amanat Angelus di lapangan Santo Petrus. Indulgensi sebagian diberikan kepada mereka yang dengan penuh ketulusan mengucapkannya sesuai dengan waktunya yang tepat sepanjang tahun.
Kecuali pada masa Pra paskah.


08c. Angele Dei

Indonesia | English | Latin

Ángele Dei,
qui custos es mei,
me, tibi commíssum pietáte supérna,
illúmina, custódi,
rege et gubérna.


08b. Angel of God

Indonesia | English | Latin

Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

Angele Dei, also know as the Prayer to One's Guardian Angel, was in the past attributed to St. Anselm (c1033-1109), for it appears in medieval collections of St. Anselm's works. However, it is clear that this prayer was added to Anselm's works sometime after his death.

As best can be determined, this prayer is an 11th/12th century interpolation of a prayer composed by Reginald of Canterbury, who died sometime after 1109. This prayer is from Reginald's Life of St. Malchus (d. c 390), a famous hermit who was a friend of St. Jerome (c 341-420). The popular English translation given below is from the later half of the 19th century and appears in the Baltimore Manual of Prayers (1888).
Guardian Angels protect their charges against the assaults of demons to preserve them from sin. Several passages in Scripture mention them in passing. (Dn 10: 13,20-21, Tob 12:12, Mt 18:10, Acts 12:11,15).

October 2 is the memorial to the Guardian Angels. This prayer carries a partial indulgence.


08a. Malaikat Tuhan

Indonesia| English| Latin

Malaikat Tuhan,
engkau yang diserahi oleh kemurahan Tuhan,
untuk melindungi aku,
terangilah, lindungilah, bimbinglah
dan hantarkanlah aku,

Malaikat Tuhan, atau doa kepada Malaikat Pelindung pada masa silam dikaitkan dengan St. Anselmus (1033 - 1109), karena doa ini muncul dalam koleksi karya St. Anselm di abad pertengahan, walau jelas bahwa doa ini ditambahkan ke dalam karya St. Anselm beberapa saat setelah kematiannya.

Sejauh dapat ditelusuri, doa ini merupakan doa abad ke 11/12 yang disisipkan dalam doa yang disusun oleh Reginald dari Canterbury, yang meninggal kira-kira pada tahun 1109. Doa ini berasal dari riwayat Reginald tentang St. Malchus (sekitar tahun 390), seorang pertapa teman St. Jarome (341-420). Terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang terkenal yang tercantum di sini merupakan paruh terakhir dari doa abad ke 19 dan muncul di Buku Doa Baltimore (1888).

Malaikat Pelindung menjaga mereka dari serangan iblis untuk membebaskan mereka dari dosa. Sejumlah ayat dalam Injil menyebut mereka dalam beberapa ayat (Daniel 10:13,20-21, Tobit 12;15, Mt18;10, Kis 12;11,15)

2 Oktober merupakan hari mengenang Malaikat Pelindung.

Doa ini menghasilkan indulgensi sebagian.


07c. Symbolum Nicaenum

Indonesia | English | Latin

Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem,
factorem coeli et terrae,
visibilium omnium, et invisibilium.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
Filium Dei unigenitum,
et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
Deum verum de Deo vero.
Genitum, non factum,
consubstantialem Patri;
per quem omnia facta sunt.
Qui propter nos homines,
et propter nostram salutem,
descendit de coelis.
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto
ex Maria Virgine;
et homo factus est.
Crucifixus etiam pro nobis,
sub Pontio Pilato passus,
et sepultus est.
Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturas.
Et ascendit in coelum;
sedet ad dexteram Patris.
Et iterum venturus est cum gloria,
judicare vivos et mortuos;
cujus regni non erit finis.
Et in unum Spiritum Sanctum,
Dominum et vivificantem;
qui ex Patre Filioque procedit.
Qui cum Patri et Filio
simul adoratur et conglorificatur;
qui locutus est per prophetas.
In unam sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam.
Confiteor unum baptismam in remissionem pecatorum,
Expecto resurrectionem mortuorum,
Et vitam venturi saeculi.


07b. Nicene Creed

Indonesia | English| Latin

I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God, begotten,
not made, one in being with the Father;

through Whom all things were made.
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven.
He was made flesh by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;
suffered, and was buried.

On the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures;
He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and of His kingdom there shall be no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life,
Who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
Who, with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified:
Who has spoken through the Prophets.
And I believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
And I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.


The Symbolum Nicaenum, or Nicene Creed, has a complex history. It was first promulgated at the Council of Nicea (325), though in an abbreviated form from what we have here. St. Athanasius attributes its composition to the Papal Legate to the Council, Hossius of Cordova. The Creed is also sometimes called the Nicene-Constantinoplian Creed since it appears in the Acts of the Council of Constantinople (381), but it is clear that this Council is not the source of that composition for it appears in complete form in the Ancoratus of Epiphanius of Salamis some seven years earlier in 374. In any case, it was this text that appears in the Acts of the Council of Constantinople that was formally promulgated at Chalcedon in 451 and has come down to us as our present Nicene Creed.

It was at the councils of Nicea and Constantinople that the true nature of Jesus was defended against two heresies that had sprung up. The Arians denied Christ's divinity and the Monophysites denied Christ's humanity. The councils, drawing upon the traditions handed down to them from the Apostles, condemned both heresies and declared that Jesus was indeed both true God and true man. In the 11th century this creed became part of the Mass. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite the Symbolum Nicaenum.


07a. Pengakuan Iman (2)

Indonesia | English | Latin

Hasil Konsili Nikea Konstantinopel.

Aku percaya akan satu Allah,
Bapa yang mahakuasa, pencipta langit dan bumi,
dan segala sesuatu yang kelihatan dan tak kelihatan;
dan akan satu Tuhan Yesus Kristus,
Putra Allah yang tunggal.
Ia lahir dari Bapa sebelum segala abad,
Allah dari Allah, Terang dari Terang,
Allah benar dari Allah benar.
Ia dilahirkan, bukan dijadikan,
sehakikat dengan Bapa;
segala sesuatu dijadikan oleh-Nya.
Ia turun dari surga untuk kita manusia
dan untuk keselamatan kita.
Ia dikandung dari Roh Kudus,
dilahirkan oleh Perawan Maria, dan menjdi manusia.
Iapun disalibkan untuk kita, waktu Pontius Pilatus;
Ia menderita sampai wafat dan dimakamkan.
Pada hari ketiga Ia bangkit menurut Kitab Suci.
Ia naik ke surga, duduk di sisi Bapa.
a akan kembali dengan mulia,
mengadili orang yang hidup dan yang mati;
kerajaan-Nya tak kan berakhir.
Aku percaya akan Roh Kudus,
Ia Tuhan yang menghidupkan;
Ia berasal dari Bapa dan Putra;
Yang serta Bapa dan Putra,
disembah dan dimuliakan;
Ia bersabda dengan perantaraan para nabi.
Aku percaya akan Gereja
yang satu, kudus, katolik dan apostolik.
Aku mengakui satu pembaptisan
akan penghapusan dosa.
Aku menantikan kebangkitan orang mati
dan hidup di akhirat.

Symbolorum Nicaenum atau Kredo Nikea mempunyai sejarah yang rumit. Untuk pertama kalinya diumumkan secara resmi dalam Konsili Nikea (325), walaupun masih dalam bentuknya yang singkat dibandingkan dengan yang ada di sini. St. Atanasius mempersembahkan komposisi ini kepada utusan Paus dalam Konsili, Hosius dari Kordoba. Kredo ini kadang-kadang juga disebut dengan Kredo Nikea Konstantinopel karena pertama kali muncul dalam Keputusan Konsili Konstantinopel (381), tetapi jelas bahwa Konsili ini bukanlah sumber dari komposisi itu, karena Kredo ini muncul dalam bentuk lengkapnya dalam Ancoratus Epiphanius dari Salamis kira-kira 7 tahun lebih awal (tahun 374). Bagaimanapun, teks inilah yang muncul dalam Keputusan Konsili Konstantinopel, yang pertama kali diumumkan secara resmi di Kalsedonia di tahun 451 dan diturunkan kepada kita sebagai Kredo Nikea seperti yang sekarang ini.

Dalam Konsili Nikea dan Konstantinopel-lah kodrat sejati Yesus dilindungi dari dua bidaah yang muncul. Orang Aria menolak keilahian Kristus dan kaum Monophysit menolak kemanusiaan Kristus. Konsili, yang menerima tradisi turun temurun dari para Rasul, mengutuk kedua bidaah itu dan menyatakan bahwa Yesus adalah sungguh Tuhan dan sungguh manusia.Di abad ke 11 kredo ini merupakan bagian dari Misa. Indulgensi sebagian diberikan kepada orang beriman yang mendaraskan Kredo Para Rasul ini.


06c. Symbolum Apostolorum.

Indonesia | English | Latin

CREDO in Deum Patrem omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae.
Et in Iesum Christum,
Filium eius unicum,
Dominum nostrum,
qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto,
natus ex Maria Virgine,
passus sub Pontio Pilato,
crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus,
descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis,
ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis,
inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,
sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam,
sanctorum communionem,
remissionem peccatorum,
carnis resurrectionem,
vitam aeternam.


06b. The Apostles' Creed

Indonesia | English | Latin

I believe in God, the father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again
to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

The present form of the Apostles' Creed first appears in the 6th century in the writings of Caesarius of Arles (d 542). However, it can be traced in one form or another back to Apostolic times. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite the Symbolum Apostolorum.

While the present form of the Apostles' Creed first appeared in the 6th century in the writings of Caesarius of Arles (d 542), it can be traced in one form or another back to Apostolic times. Rufinus' Commentary on the Apostle's Creed (ca 407) contains the prayer in a form very close to what we have today. The Creed can also be found in a letter to Pope Julius I (340 AD) and even earlier in a circa 200 document containing the Roman baptismal liturgy. It appears that originally this Creed was a baptismal creed summarizing the teachings of the Apostles and was given to the catechumens when they were baptized. Instead of the continuous prayer as we have it today, each line was rather in the form of a question to which the catechumen gave assent indicating he both understood and believed. This form is similar to the form found in the Easter Liturgy for the renewal of the Baptismal promises. Eventually this question and answer style was modified into the prayer form as we have it today. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite the Symbolum Apostolorum.


Pengakuan Iman/The Apostles' Creed/Symbolum Apostolorum



Aku percaya akan Allah, Bapa yang Maha Kuasa,

Pencipta langit dan bumi.
Dan akan Yesus Kristus,
Putra-Nya yang tunggal Tuhan Kita.
Yang dikandung dari Roh Kudus,
dilahirkan oleh Perawan Maria.
Yang menderita sengsara
dalam pemerintahan Pontius Pilatus,
disalibkan, wafat dan dimakamkan.
Yang turun ketempat penantian,
pada hari ketiga Dia bangkit dari antara orang mati.
Yang naik ke surga,
duduk disebelah kanan Allah Bapa yang Maha Kuasa,
dari situ Dia akan datang,

mengadili orang yang hidup dan yang mati.
Aku percaya akan Roh Kudus,
gereja katolik yang kudus,
persekutuan para kudus,
pengampunan dosa,
kebangkitan badan,
kehidupan kekal.

Bentuk sekarang Doa Pengakuan Iman atau Kredo Para Rasul ini pertama kali muncul di abad ke 6 dalam tulisan Caesarius dai Arles (542 M). Namun, dengan satu cara dan lainnya dapat ditelusuri ke belakang di zaman para rasul. Indulgensi (pengurangan hukuman) sebagian diberikan kepada orang beriman yang mengucapkan doa Pengakuan Iman ini.

Ketika bentuk saat ini dari Doa Pengakuan Iman mula-mula muncul di abad ke 6 dalam tulisan Caesarius dari Arles (542M), yang dapat ditelusuri dalam berbagai bentuk sampai ke jaman para rasul. Komentar Rufinus atas Pengakuan Iman (407 M) berisi doa dalam bentuk yang sangat mirip dengan apa yang kita punyai saat ini . Kredo ini dapat ditemukan dalam sebuah surat Paus Yulius I (340 M) dan bahkan sebelumnya dalam lebih kurang 200 dokumen yang berisi liturgi pembaptisan Roma. Nampaknya, Kredo ini aslinya adalah sebuah kredo pembaptisan, ringkasan dari ajaran para Rasul dan diberikan kepada katekumen ketika mereka dibaptis. Bukannya doa berkelanjutan seperti yang kita miliki saat ini, setiap baris lebih menyerupai pertanyaan di mana para katekumen memberikan tanggapan bahwa mereka paham dan percaya. bentuk ini mirip dengan bentuk yang dijumpai dalam Liturgi Paskah untuk memperbarui janji Permandian. Akhirnya model tanya jawab ini di modifikasi menjadi doa seperti yang kita miliki saat ini. Indulgensi sebagian akan diberikan kepada orang beriman yang mengucapkan Doa Pengakuan Iman ini.




I believe in God, the father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again
to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

The present form of the Apostles' Creed first appears in the 6th century in the writings of Caesarius of Arles (d 542). However, it can be traced in one form or another back to Apostolic times. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite the Symbolum Apostolorum.

While the present form of the Apostles' Creed first appeared in the 6th century in the writings of Caesarius of Arles (d 542), it can be traced in one form or another back to Apostolic times. Rufinus' Commentary on the Apostle's Creed (ca 407) contains the prayer in a form very close to what we have today. The Creed can also be found in a letter to Pope Julius I (340 AD) and even earlier in a circa 200 document containing the Roman baptismal liturgy. It appears that originally this Creed was a baptismal creed summarizing the teachings of the Apostles and was given to the catechumens when they were baptized. Instead of the continuous prayer as we have it today, each line was rather in the form of a question to which the catechumen gave assent indicating he both understood and believed. This form is similar to the form found in the Easter Liturgy for the renewal of the Baptismal promises. Eventually this question and answer style was modified into the prayer form as we have it today. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite the Symbolum Apostolorum.




CREDO in Deum Patrem omnipotentem,

Creatorem caeli et terrae.
Et in Iesum Christum,
Filium eius unicum,
Dominum nostrum,
qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto,
natus ex Maria Virgine,
passus sub Pontio Pilato,
crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus,
descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis,
ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis,
inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,
sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam,
sanctorum communionem,
remissionem peccatorum,
carnis resurrectionem,
vitam aeternam.


Salam Maria/Hail Mary/Ave Maria



Salam Maria, penuh rahmat.

Tuhan serta-Mu.
Terpujilah engkau di antara wanita,
dan terpujilah buah tubuh-Mu, Jesus;
Santa Maria, bunda Allah,
doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini
sekarang dan waktu kami mati.

Barang kali Salam Maria adalah doa yang paling populer di antara semua doa kepada Maria. Doa ini terdiri dari dua bagian yang berbeda, bagian yang terkait dengan Kitab Suci, dan bagian perantaraan. Bagian yang pertama, di ambil dari Injil Lukas dan dirangkai dengan perkataan Malaikat Gabriel pada saat Maria menerima kabar gembira (Lk 1:28) bersama dengan salam Elisabet pada Maria di saat Maria mengunjungi Elisabet (Kl 1:42). Gabungan dari kedua bagian ini dapat ditemukan sejak abad ke lima, dan mungkin bahkan abad ke empat, dalam liturgi timur dari Santo James dari Antiokia dan Santo Markus dari Aleksandia. Hal ini juga tercatat dalam ritual Santo Severus (538 M). Di barat, hal ini digunakan di Roma dalam abad ke tujuh karena ini tertulis sebagai persembahan pujian dalam perayaan Kabar Gembira itu. Popularitas dari kalimat ini pada abad ke 11 diuji dalam tulisan Santo Petrus Damianus (1007-1072) dan Herman dari Tournai (1147). Kemudian, barangkali oleh Paus Urbanus IV, diseputar tahun 1262, Nama Yesus dimasukkan di akhir kedua alinea itu.
Bagian kedua doa itu (Santa Maria...) dapat ditelusuri ke belakang ke abad ke 15 ketika kedua bagian akhir itu ditemukan. Yang satu, Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, ditemukan dalam tulisan Santa Bernardin dari Siena (1380-144 M) dan pada Kartusian, akhir yang kedua, Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis nunc et in hora mortis nostrae, dapat ditemukan dalam tulisan Servitus, di buku Brevir Roma, dan di sejumlah keuskupan di jerman. bentuk doa itu menjadi standar seperti saat ini kira-kira sejak abad ke 16 dan dimasukkan dalam Brevir yang diperbarui dan yang secara resmi diumumkan oleh Paus Pius V di tahun 1568.

Salam Maria, doa bagi Bunda Allah
Paruh pertama doa Salam Maria langsung diambil dari Kitab Suci. Bagian sebelum titik koma merupakan salam Malaikat Gabriel kepada perawan Maria, ketika Malaikat itu menyatakan padanya bahwa dia telah dipilih Tuhan untuk mengandung PuteraNya, Yesus Kristus (Lk 1:28). Dan kalimat setelah tanda titik koma adalah yang diucapkan Elisabet, sepupu Maria, ketika Santa Maria pergi mengunjunginya, dan Santa Elisabet merasakan Santo Yohanes Pembaptis melonjak dalam kandungannya (Lk 1:42)




Hail Mary, full of grace.

The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus;
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

The Hail Mary, A Prayer to the Mother of God

The Ave Maria is perhaps the most popular of all the Marian prayers. It is composed of two distinct parts, a Scriptural part and an intercessory part. The first part, the Scriptural part, is taken from the Gospel of St. Luke and joins together the words of the Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation (Lk 1:28) together with Elizabeth's greeting to Mary at the Visitation (Luke 1:42). The joining of these two passages can be found as early as the fifth, and perhaps even the fourth, century in the eastern liturgies of St. James of Antioch and St. Mark of Alexandria. It is also recorded in the ritual of St. Severus (538 AD). In the west it was in use in Rome by the 7th century for it is prescribed as an offertory antiphon for the feast of the Annunciation. The great popularity of the phrase by the 11th century is attested to in the writings of St. Peter Damian (1007-1072) and Hermann of Tournai (d.c. 1147). Later, probably by Pope Urban IV around the year 1262, Jesus' name was inserted at the end of the two passages.
The second half of the prayer (Holy Mary..) can be traced back to the 15th century where two endings are found. One ending, Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, is found in the writings of St. Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444 AD) and the Carthusians. A second ending, Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis nunc et in hora mortis nostrae, can be found in the writings of the Servites, in a Roman Breviary, and in some German Dioceses. The current form of the prayer became the standard form sometime in the 16th century and was included in the reformed Breviary promulgated by Pope St. Pius V in 1568

The first half of the Hail Mary is straight out of the Bible. The part before the semicolon is the angel Gabriel’s greeting to the Virgin Mary at the Annunciation, when he told her that she had been chosen by God to bear His Son, Jesus Christ (Luke 1:28). And the words after the semicolon were uttered by St. Elizabeth, the cousin of the Blessed Virgin, when St. Mary came to visit her and St. Elizabeth felt St. John the Baptist leap in her womb (Luke 1:42).




Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.

Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus;
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Doa Dasar | Basic Prayer

Indonesia | English | Latin
  1. Tanda Salib | Sign of the Cross | Signum Crucis
  2. Bapa Kami | Our Father | Pater Noster
  3. Bapa Kami II | The Lord's Prayer
  4. Kemuliaan | The Glory Be | Gloria Patri
  5. Salam Maria | Hail Mary | Ave Maria
  6. Pengakuan Iman | The Apostles" Creed | Symbolum Apostolorum
  7. Pengakuan Iman II | Nicene Creed | Symbolum Nicaenum
  8. Malaikat Tuhan | Angel of God | Angele Dei
  9. Malaikat Tuhan | Angelus | Angelus Domini
  10. Ratu Surga | Queen of Heaven | Regina Caeli
  11. Kidung Zakharia | Canticle of Zecharia | Benedictus
  12. Kidung Maria | Canticle of Mary | Magnificat